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Im a director and photographer passionate about anything creative. Im inspired by people, music and art.

Tuesday 16 March 2010


Well, this seems to be such a dangerous word 'risk'! It's so interesting when you're writing treatments and the vision you have behind it, and then you think, is the artist really going to do that?

In this day and age it's like we are happier to just copy, rather than trying to stand out there alone, but I always thought that if you try to be different, set the trends, isn't that what's going to get you noticed?? Lady Gaga for example!

I have so many treatments that i've written that have been turned down because I dared to be different, taken a 'risk'! Or been cussed because the video does'nt look like everyone elses - but in both cases the artist will hand on heart still maintain that they are different and unique!!

And when you do come across an artist who's all up for ideas, they have no money! It's so annoying lol!

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